Trinity Baptist Church of Big Spring TX
Adult Sunday School
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Jesus said in Matthew 28:19-20  "Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world."



Based on this command Trinity Baptist offers learning opportunities for all ages.  Not just flannel graph for the little ones, but practical, down-to-earth, take-it-to-work teaching for ADULTS.

Take advantage of getting to know new people in our church or rekindle old friendships. In this day and age, staying up with each other is more important than ever. We meet at 10am every Sunday.


Latest Series: Bibliology- Building
         Confidence in the Bible


Our theme for 2024 is Let's Build.  Foundationally, we are building a life on Jesus Christ.  What we believe and teach about Jesus comes from the Bible. But how can we trust the Bible? It was written by man. Right!? 


This new series, "Bibliology: Building Confidence in the Bible" answers this question and more.  The Bible is so much more than a book.  Come and learn how and why we can have faith in the Scriptures.


 Our adult Sunday School classes breakdown as follows:


Singles 18 - 25 can meet with Brad and Kara Daniels in the classroom #C-11

Anyone 25 - 45 can meet with Jeff and Karen Wilson in Classroom #C-7

Those 45 and up can meet with Scott and Debbie Burt and Mike and Robin Ritchey in Classroom #C-8

The Ladies Class meets with Mrs Annette Parsley in classroom #A-3

The Auditorium Class is offered to anyone.  This class is led by our Pastor, Scott Kirkland.



There are great lessons going on for your kids too!  We have a place for them from nursery all the way up to the High School Youth Group.



Sundays: 10am & 11am

Sunday Evenings: 6pm

Wednesday Evenings: 7pm


Trinity Baptist Church
1701 E. FM 700, Big Spring, Texas 79720
(432) 267-6344 - Contact Us Page
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