What We Believe
We are a Baptist church in name and doctrine.
We hold to the same doctrines that have characterized Baptists down through the ages.
The following is a condensed version of our doctrinal statement:
- We believe that Jesus Christ was virgin born, lived without sin, and died in our place on the cross.
- We believe that Jesus was, and is, the eternal God of glory.
- We believe that loving people, in both word and deed, is a commandment that God expects us to obey, and it is a commandment that we want to obey.
- We believe that God has preserved His infallible Word and that the KJV accurately sets forth the inspired words of the Hebrew and Greek manuscripts in our English language.
- We believe in salvation by grace through faith, and that the believer is then kept by the power of God.
- We believe in the baptism of believers by immersion only.
- We believe that the New Testament church is God’s authorized administration of baptism.
- We believe in having a strong missions program. We help support over 160 mission families every month.
- We believe that Jesus is going to return soon to rapture His children.
- We believe that heaven and hell are very real places and that every person will spend his/her eternity in one of those places.
- We believe that homosexuality, abortion, adultery, gossip, the use of alcohol, loose living, etc. are sins against God. All of which can be forgiven by faith in the shed blood of Jesus Christ for those sins.